Thursday, November 09, 2006

American Roads

All right, I'll say it - I think the roads I've been on here, the major ones (especially the interstates) have been mostly appalling! OK there have been some great stretches of road where the tarseal is as smooth as can be (eg Knoxville to Nashville) but they have been punctuated by vast stretches of potholed, concrete sectioned bumpy nightmares. Can't do the average cars suspension any good. No wonder there are so many SUVs here - the roads are so bad if you want to go any reasonable distance. Most of the other traffic on the interstates are trucks - sometimes it's just me & the trucks! Maybe that's part of the problem.

There's also a huge amount of road construction going on, so maybe things are getting fixed ... but sometimes, when you can't even hear the radio due to the bump-bump-bump of the road (it's like driving over speed humps) I think I'm in the 3rd world! New Zealanders who complain about our roads should check these out.

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