Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What to do ... 24th Oct

After Killington, I headed for Hanover New Hampshire to find a pub and contemplate my route. This place seemed a cool town - a college town - however I couldn't stay as by now it was coming apparent that I has to start taking my journey back to the west coast seriously as I was running out of time.

I needed to see Maine - apart from it being New England's frontier, I wanted to see a Moose. So I shot off (after a pint in Molly's) late in the afternoon bound for Bethell, a tiny place nestled north in the Maine woods not far from the NH border.

From my driving experience so far in New England, it seemed that MOST of it is woods - and apparently I am correct. The woods have crept back over the decades that the farming has moved to the mid west - a triumph of nature. This was the setting for my late drive to Bethell - into the dark woods, where I got a little lost at times and it all became a bit Blair Witch. I finally made it, after questioning what few locals I found that time of night, shortly before midnight.

My highlight of the drive - the road sign on State Route number 2 - Brake for Moose - it could save your life.

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