Monday, October 09, 2006

Cody to Crazy Horse to Rushmore 3-4 Oct

The Irma Hotel in Cody is just like an old style saloon of the West. Set up by Buffalo Bill himself, the beautifully carved wooden bar surrounds were a gift from Queen Victorie herself apparently. I had a great feed & a beer there after my descent out of the Yellowstone area.

From Cody (after spending the morning in Buffalo Bill's Museum - a must see) I began my hike East, arriving in the little town of Custer, Sth Dakota late in the night. This placed me perfectly to see both the Crazy Horse Monument and Mt Rushmore in the morning.

The only trouble was ... South Dakota didn't come to the party & put on some decent weather for me: the Crazy Horse monument (a work in progress monument to the native American people which apparently makes Mt Rushmore seem tiny) was shrouded in fog! I couldn't see a thing, so I spent the morning at the museum & visitor center. It was still worth going & seeing the story behind this hugely impressive undertaking.

Next stop - Rushmore - only a few miles up the road & the fog seemed to be avoiding the Presidents of old. Hooked up with a trucker called Craig who also did not want to pay the $8 & park in the official carpark, so we made a more interesting time of it and went a little cross country to end up looking directly at George Washington's nostrils.

I'm glad the weather let me see the Rushmore Monument, as it is quite a sight.

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