Thursday, October 05, 2006

Cowboys, etc

Cody is named after Buffalo Bill Cody, and I swear I saw him the other day. Several times.

Seems there is a certain look some guys go for here that resembles the late 1800's Bill Cody style. For real!

I saw Buffalo Bill (Jeans, boots, denin shirt, thin wavy mullet & cowboy hat) ordering Subway, walking hand & hand with his missus & driving a 4X4 pickup. Yes sireee! Then again - I saw an ageing John Wayne in the Buffalo Bill Museum carpark with Hoss Cartwright from Bonanza as well...


Anonymous said...

Don't laugh, if you ever went out of Auckland you would see that everyone in NZ gets about with a swandri and a pair of redbands!

Anonymous said...

......and firmly attached to a sheep